Women and Water – Hot Tub Benefits for Women
Hot tubs can offer many benefits for women. The positive effects of a hot tub on relaxation and stress reduction are well known. And, while the effect of hot tub use on hormone regulation is just beginning to be studied, warm water therapy may indirectly influence a woman’s hormone levels in a

Women and Water – Hot Tub Benefits for Women
Hot tubs can offer many benefits for women. The positive effects of a hot tub on relaxation and stress reduction are well known. And, while the effect of hot tub use on hormone regulation is just beginning to be studied, warm water therapy may indirectly influence a woman’s hormone levels in a

Health & Wellness In Your Hot Tub
Hot Tubs have a number of benefits to your health and wellness. Below are just a few of the things a hot tub can do

Big-Box vs. Specialty Store – Hot Tub Buying Guide
These days you can get just about everything from the “big box” stores. But what might appear like a good deal at the big-boxes usually

Swim Year-Round In Your Own Swim Spa!
Did you know, swimming is the 4th most popular activity in the United States? Why? There are just so many health benefits, including: Works your

Eating, Drinking, and Being Merry in Your Hot Tub
When you think about installing a hot tub for your house, you likely can picture yourself enjoying your favorite beverage and perhaps even a snack.

Health Benefits of Hot Tubs and Infrared Saunas!
Whether you enjoy soaking in a hot tub or relaxing in a sauna, the therapeutic benefits found in both can be helpful to one’s overall

Infrared Sauna Benefits!
Infrared saunas create an environment that allows radiant heat energy to be absorbed into the human body. In doing so, it promotes a host of