- ALWAYS read all label directions on all products prior to using, and only use as directed.
- USE A SEPARATE, NON-CONTAMINATED BUCKET to mix the chemical into the water.
- For chemicals that require pre-mixing with water, ALWAYS add the chemical to the water. NEVER add water to the chemical.
- NEVER mix one chemical with another chemical prior to adding to the water.
- Use a separate bucket for each chemical you mix into the water, and never mix more than one chemical into the water in any bucket.
- NEVER add chemicals to the water when people are in the pool.
- Be sure to only add one chemical to the pool at a time, and allow time for each chemical to circulate before adding another.
- There are chlorinated products that are not compatible when mixed.
- NEVER mix different types or brands of chlorine together.
- NEVER mix chemicals together.
- DO NOT use quantities in excess of the recommended dosage on the label.
- After shock treating, you MUST wait until the free available chlorine residual is at the level recommended by the label instructions.
- DO NOT use contents of unlabeled containers.
- Keep all chemicals out of the reach of children.
- Be sure to properly store and handle chemicals in accordance with label instructions.
- Store chemicals in a clean, cool, dry location out of direct sunlight.
- Containers should always be kept closed when not in use.
- PROPERLY DISPOSE of all containers. Do not reuse empty chemical containers.
- WASH YOUR HANDS THOROUGHLY after handling the chemicals.