
Hot tubs made by Artesian Spas have specifically directed jets of water that benefit every part of the body, including the skeletal, respiratory, circulatory, neuromuscular, and digestive systems. RESTFUL SLEEP: Unlike the use of medications and prescription sleep aids, the circulation and warmth of each Artesian Spa encourages the body to unwind and relax on […]

Draining & Refilling Your Hot Tub!

A+ hot tub and spa service provided by Flint Hills Spas

We recommend draining and refilling your hot tub 2x per year as a general rule.  This may need to be more frequently if you’re having a lot of trouble keeping your water quality in check, but generally 2x per year works for most people.   HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN TO DRAIN & REFILL?  The […]

Preventing Scale & Staining In Your Hot Tub!

Warm Water Therapy

Many of the things you do for your hot tub are focused on seeing “immediate results”, like adding sanitizer, shock, or water clarifiers.  However there are some easy products you can and should be using weekly to prevent LONG TERM damage to your hot tub’s equipment, plumbing, and shell.   WHAT IS SCALING? Scaling in […]

“Person In Charge”

If you bought your hot tub from us you know that we espouse the importance of having a “person in charge” of the hot tub.  What exactly does this mean? WHAT DOES “PERSON IN CHARGE” MEAN? No guys, it doesn’t mean you now rule the household.  You are still second in command!  “Person in charge” […]

Hot Tub pH & Alkalinity!

HOT TUB pH & ALKALINITY In our experience, the hardest chemical readings for hot tub users to keep in range are pH and Alkalinity.  Read on to learn more about why we care about the pH and Alkalinity in a hot tub, and what to do to manage these.   RANGES & RISKS: The ideal […]

Hot Tub Filter Care

HOT TUB FILTER CARE The cartridge filters in your hot tub are a key part of the hot tub’s sanitizing process.  Taking good care of your filters will lead to happy hot tub water!     WHAT DOES THE FILTER DO? A cartridge filter “catches” foreign materials (some visible like small leaves, others too small […]